Free Certified CPD Programme for Primary School Teachers starting this Autumn!

Paige JenningsEvent, News, News and Events

We are pleased to announce our upcoming CPD programme for primary school teachers happening this Autumn! This free programme aims to improve teachers’ knowledge of Computer Science and Computational Thinking and help them apply these skills in the classroom and across the school. Following the success of last year’s virtual sessions, we are pleased to launch our Autumn CPD programme. … Read More

Thirty Eight Teachers Across Wales Celebrate Qualification Success

adminNews, News and Events

In July thirty-eight teachers – from both Primary and Secondary schools across Wales – became the third cohort of learners to successfully achieve the (QCF) Level 3 Certificate of Computing for Teachers as part of a year-long Technoteach CPD programme. This Technoteach CPD programme is supported by the National Science Academy through the Welsh Government to up-skill teachers to become competent and … Read More