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Workshop 2: Data analytics with Python

15th March 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Technocamps Coding Workshop 2

Data analytics with Python


10am – 12noon  on  Friday 15 March

10am – 12noon  on  Friday 22 March

 Technocamps Lab, Margam 200, Singleton Campus


This workshop provides participants with an understanding of how to perform data analytics with Python through a variety of tools and libraries. Students will gain:

  • The ability to identify tools and libraries for performing data analytics.
  • An understanding of data manipulation in Python.
  • Skills in performing basic data analyses on research data.


Participants will be expected to have a basic knowledge of Python, for example as provided by the four-hour Introduction to Python workshop.


15th March 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


Swansea University, Technocamps
2nd Floor, Margam Building, Singleton Campus
Swansea, SA2 8PP
+ Google Map
Lead Partner, Swansea University, is a registered charity no. 1138342 and a Royal Charter company no. RC000639