Female Role Models and Technocamps

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It is widely recognised that girls are underrepresented in STEM industries, and Technocamps aims to redress the balance. We offer clubs and seminars exclusively to girls through our GiST Cymru programme. Each workshop is delivered by female engineers and scientists who showcase the opportunities open to Women in STEM. Our WiST (Women in Science and Technology) programme is a network … Read More

Case Study: Sam Chucas

adminCase Study, News, Technoteach

A few years ago, Sam was a French teacher, but after he started teaching some ICT and got an insight into the world of digital education, he joined Technocamps’ VTCT Technoteach course. He pursued a role in the ICT department and a lot has changed for him since! The course made him appreciate the different ways computer science can be … Read More

Improving Digital Teaching at our Education Conference

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We recently welcomed over 100 attendees to our 2021 Education Conference, both in-person at the Swansea.com Stadium, and via live stream. The aim of the event was to bring Wales’s digital educators together to share best practice, inform on the newest curriculum changes and promote the available support to them. It is essential that both primary and secondary school teachers … Read More

Swansea Science Festival is a Big Hit

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Last weekend, we explored innovations and ground-breaking moments through history at Swansea Science Festival. We worked with BBC Bitesize’s Grace Webb to offer exclusive virtual STEM sessions to pupils across Wales. Participants were taken on a journey through the ages, exploring innovative and ground-breaking moments throughout the history of machines with the help of Grace and her very own motorbike! … Read More

Newsbyte: Autumn 2021

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Welcome to our Autumn 2021 newsletter! This year is well and truly flying by and the new academic year is underway. As always, get in touch if there is anything we can help you with. Here’s what we have been up to since the last edition. In the meantime, follow our social media channels (@technocamps) to keep up with what we’re … Read More

Free STEM Workshops for Schools in Wales


Our very popular STEM and Computer Science workshops for schools have been used to support the digital curriculum for years, and they can be delivered virtually or in-person, depending on your school’s needs. All workshops are fully funded through support from the Welsh Government. Unplugged workshops – no computer is needed Brain Games | 2 x 1 hour sessions This … Read More

WiST Webinar | LinkedIn: You’re Virtually the Best

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Our WiST events are aimed at women in the technology sector (or with a keen interest in the industry) to learn from other inspirational women and network with like-minded people. All events are entirely free thanks to funding support from the Welsh Government’s European Social Fund. Our next event will take place via Zoom between 11.45am-1.15pm on Friday 3rd December. … Read More

Swansea Science Festival: Incredible Innovation

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Science Festival WP

Join us at Swansea Science Festival as we explore innovations and ground-breaking moments through history. This year, for the first time, Swansea Science Festival is inviting you and your class to be a part of its very first Schools Programme designed to invigorate and inspire pupils nationwide by exploring the breath-taking world of innovation! You will receive an exciting resource … Read More

Young people in Cardiff get excited about Computer Science

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We recently partnered with the Cardiff Youth Service Digital team to provide a four-day computer science programme for people aged 11-16 in Cardiff to learn how to code and programme. The event involved writing code, and developing and implementing a software program. Over the four days, staff from our Cardiff University hub delivered online sessions for the young people taking … Read More