Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2022: Technocamps in Tregaron


We were proud to participate in this year’s Eisteddfod Genedlaethol in Tregaron between 30 July – 6 August. Our stand on the Maes hosted a variety of activities during the week for all ages such as programming robots and coding. The Technocamps team from Bangor University brought along their Rubik’s cubes, which were very popular with both children and adults. … Read More

Case Study: Luke Clement

adminCase Study, Degree Apprenticeship Case Study, News, Staff

Our Operations Manager, Luke Clement, has recently completed our Degree Apprenticeship programme at Swansea University. Here, we look at how it has helped him improve his knowledge of computing and progress his career. Luke has been working for Technocamps for 5 years, initially as a Delivery Officer and now as the Operations Manager based at our main hub in Swansea. … Read More

Newsbyte: Summer 2022

adminNews, Newsletter

Shwmae and welcome to our Summer 2022 edition of Newsbyte! The sun is shining, the school year is ending, and we have big plans for the new term. As always, get in touch if there is anything we can help you with. Here’s what we have been up to since the last edition…

WiST Event | Put Yourself Out There: Networking 101

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11.45am-1.15pm, Friday 16th September 2022 Networking is something we all know we should be doing but most of us dread, especially in a digital world. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or awkward. We want to help you find out how to network effectively by making it fun, targeted and actually what it should be – a tool to … Read More

Education Conference 2022: Computation Across the Curriculum

adminEvent, News, News and Events

We are hosting our 2022 Education Conference in the Swansea.com Stadium on Thursday 1st December! The new Curriculum for Wales is being rolled out and we’re here to help you with any answers, resources and support you need. Talks will cover how you can incorporate computing across the curriculum and will be relevant to both primary and secondary school teachers … Read More

STEM Academy 2022 Success

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As part of Technocamps’ STEM Academy this Summer, we hosted a whole load of fun activities across Wales to inspire, motivate and engage young people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects. Anyone who has ever taken part in our workshops knows that we have a knack of turning complicated science and technology into fun and interesting activities in the classroom! … Read More

Roving Robotics at our Annual Competition


Last week, twelve teams went head to head in our 2022 Robotics Competition in partnership with the RAF! The theme of this year’s competition was Explore the Unexplored, and pupils from across Wales were challenged to delve into uncharted territory by designing and creating a robot that could explore new and extreme conditions, such as planets, jungles, deserts and the … Read More

Enjoying Robotics with the Minister for Economy


On Friday, we got Welsh Government Minister for Education, Vaughan Gething MS, involved in our STEM workshop. We recently visited St Cuthbert’s Primary School in Cardiff for a STEM workshop with the pupils there. The Minister came along to see what we are doing to inspire and engage young people in the area in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in … Read More

Education and Welsh Language Minister visits Technocamps HQ


Technocamps was pleased to welcome the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles AS to its Headquarters at Swansea University to find out more about the project and the work being done in Wales together with its partner, The Institute of Coding. Accompanied by the Director of Technocamps Professor Faron Moller, Swansea University Vice Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle and Swansea University Pro-Vice-Chancellor … Read More

Technocamps teaches pupils in Blaenau Gwent about 5G


We are working with schools in Blaenau Gwent to teach pupils how 5G connectivity could transform the way we live and work with a new interactive Augmented Reality experience that is being delivered as part of the 5G Wales Unlocked initiative. Developed by Jam Creative Studios and delivered in schools by Technocamps, the experience allows children to work in teams … Read More