Case Study: Sean Powell

Paige JenningsCase Study, Technoteach

Sean works as the Associate Curriculum Partner (Digital) for the South East Wales Education Achievement Service (EAS), supporting all schools across 5 local authorities. His role involves supporting schools with the leadership of digital skills, providing professional learning to schools on the range of tools available on Hwb and through Apple and supporting schools with school improvement and essentially anything that relates to digital skills and technology! He is a passionate advocate of digital technologies and its authentic, purposeful use in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning. 

We first met Sean when he was a classroom teacher, where we supported the EAS partner schools with computational thinking and computer science. These Partner Schools are now able to deliver highly sophisticated and engaging professional learning for schools following the training that they received.

Sean highlights that the skills and knowledge provided by Technocamps in their schools have developed further skills, knowledge and confidence when delivering the Computer Science aspects of the curriculum. Our online resources are very popular among the teachers, who use these to provide authentic opportunities within the classroom.

“Technocamps are a vital resource for supporting the development of computational thinking and Computer Science within the curriculum.  I would highly recommend schools engage with Technocamps and their resources to ensure that they are more confident with this aspect of the curriculum.”