The BBC micro:bit playground survey has launched!

Paige JenningsNews

two girls examining leaf

The BBC micro:bit playground survey has launched!

Primary school teachers and pupils across the UK can continue their adventures with the micro:bit by taking part in the exciting new project, the BBC micro:bit playground survey. It’s the perfect summer term project for 7-11-year-olds where children get to learn all about their playground environment through a series of engaging, fun and cross-curricular activities.

By taking part in the BBC’s big survey of school playgrounds, children have a unique opportunity to get to grips with data in a practical and creative way that is relevant to their everyday lives.

To learn all about the playground survey, and how to get started with your class, visit the BBC micro:bit playground survey website, where you will find the Teacher’s guide and all seven activities.

There are also videos presented by Big Manny, Shereen Cutkelvin, Tilly Lockey and Yussef Rafik explaining each activity and what you can expect to learn along the way.

Submit your class data via the Playground survey data upload tool by 5pm on Wednesday 31st July 2024 and you get the exciting chance to contribute to the national results that will be published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the autumn term 2024. To find out more, visit