Can you develop a game that shows energy efficiency in the home and the issues surrounding it?
Our new competition, in partnership with Energy Saving Trust and NEST, is asking pupils (up to the age of 16) to design their own game, using any programming software, that would make a house more environmentally-friendly.
The winning game will be published on the Energy Saving Trust website and the winner will receive a £100 One4All voucher for themselves and £2,000 for their school to spend on equipment. The first runner-up will receive a £50 voucher for themselves and £1,000 for their school, while the individual or team who comes in third will win a £25 voucher and £500 for their school.
Judging criteria:
1. Following the Brief – Does your game promote saving energy?
2. Originality – Is your game unique? (Bear this in mind when choosing your software – our judges would prefer it if you avoided using Minecraft so that you have more opportunity to show your creativity with the game.)
3. Experience – Does your game make us want to play it?
General Advice:
1. Don’t let your plan get too big or complex! You can always expand it after the competition.
2. Choose the technology and engine that suit you the best. Feel free to research other ones! Just as long as it’s easy for use to run on our computers.
3. Make sure any software does not cost money to open/run the game
If you are unsure about these points, feel free to contact us to ask about what you plan to do and we’ll help you further.
Everything you need to know is in the information guide and virtual sessions below. All participants must register before entering the competition.
Good luck!