Our new on-line Activity Packs have helped to keep children motivated and excited this summer and they have been extremely popular. Our delivery team developed some great worksheets, videos, and quizzes that can be found here.
Pupils have the chance to work through the packs and submit their quiz answers to the team. They will then be added to our Technocamps leaderboard with a chance to win a Sphero robot for their school as well as a £50 Amazon voucher for the top students. Hurry though, as the closing date is looming! The leaderboards will be completed at 4pm on Friday 23rd October and the winners will be announced!
The current school leaders are Monmouth Comprehensive and Newton Primary but it’s all to play for!
Tweet us @Technocamps and use #TechnocampsOnline to let us know how you’ve been getting along and earn some bonus points…
Good luck!