Arduino is a small circuit board which allows you to make a computer that can sense and control the physical environment. You can learn about electronics by building your own circuits, and you can program your Arduino to become anything, from a mobile phone to a Geiger counter! Technocamps have developed a wearable computing workshop, where pupils can use an … Read More
The Py Shop programme helps students develop the ability to program in Python starting from the basics before covering more advanced topics. Throughout the programme students will develop a complete shop system. Presentation: Cheat Sheet Sports Management System
CS101: Greenfoot
Mae’r gweithdy hwn yn datblygu gwybodaeth myfyrwyr am raglennu gwrthrychau, gan ganolbwyntio ar amgylchedd Greenfoot yn Java. Trwy greu cyfres o gemau, bydd myfyrwyr yn cryfhau eu dealltwriaeth o sut mae rhaglenni sy'n canolbwyntio ar wrthrychau wedi'u strwythuro.