Build your very own robotic board game with a micro:bit whilst learning all about Conditionals! This activity pack introduces conditional statements, how they work and where they are used. These are 3 sections: Conditional Statements micro:bits Board Game You will be learning about how a conditional statement works in computers and everyday life. What you’ll need: – 7 x 7 … Read More
Celf Pixeli
Learn all you need to create beautiful low-fi colourful artwork both on and off the computer. This activity pack introduces pixels, hex values and where pixels are used. There are 3 topics: Basic Pixel Art Hex Values Using Pixel Art online / 8 bit graphics What you’ll need: – Pens/pencils (at least 2 different colours) – Access to the internet
Cysawd yr Haul Scratch
This activity pack explores the movement of the planets in our Solar System and shows you how to model this in Scratch. We’ll be looking at: The different orbits of the planets around the Sun How to create environments and sprites in Scratch How to code a working model of the Solar System in Scratch
Egwyddorion Rhaglennu
This pack introduces you to some fundamental programming principles through the use of the block-based editors Scratch, MakeCode for micro:bit and Lego Mindstorms! It combines theoretical knowledge with tasks and challenges around the following key principles: Writing algorithms and computer programs Using selection in computer programs Creating and using variables
Cysyniadau Rhaglennu trwy Scratch
This activity pack contains videos and tutorials to help you develop your programming skills and understanding through Scratch games and tasks. This activity pack aims to familiarise you with Scratch and teach you the principles of programming along the way: Maze Game tutorial Chasing Game tutorial Programming Tasks on: Variables Selection Iteration This activity pack is worth 30 points … Read More
Heb Ddyfais Electronig
Nod y gweithdy hwn yw datgysylltu disgyblion o'r syniad bod cyfrifiadura yn golygu defnyddio cyfrifiadur fel teclyn.
Heliwr Pili-Pala
Dysgwch bopeth am Alfred Wallace a Dysgu Peiriant yn y gweithdy hwn a ddatblygwyd i gyd-fynd â drama Theatr Na NÓg "The Butterfly Hunter".