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Cystadleuaeth Game of Codes 2024

Prifysgol Caerdydd, Adeilad Abacws Cardiff University, Abacws Building, Cardiff

Mae Game of Codes yn ôl gyda Chystadleuaeth Rhaglennu Genedlaethol Game of Codes Technocamps Cymru gyfan. Bydd y gystadleuaeth yn galluogi disgyblion sydd â diddordeb i ddatblygu eu sgiliau datrys problemau, cyfathrebu, a gwaith tîm wrth wella eu gwybodaeth o raglennu cyfrifiadurol mewn ffordd hwyliog a dyfeisgar. Yr her yw i greu darn o feddalwedd gan ddefnyddio Chwaraeon a Iechyd fel thema. Enghreifftiau ... Mwy

Port Talbot Library – digital skills drop-in session

Llyfrgell Port Talbot First Floor, Aberafan Shopping Centre,, Swansea, Port Talbot

Need help with your digital devices? Join our drop-in sessions to learn the basics of digital devices, from powering on your laptop or mobile phone to connecting to the internet. Gain essential skills like setting up an email account, sending emails with photos, registering for services, buying and selling goods online, and managing transactions. We’re here to help with all ... Mwy

Llyfrgell Sandfields - Sesiwn galw heibio sgiliau digidol

Llyfrgell Sandfields 8 Morrison Rd,, Swansea, Port Talbot

Need help with your digital devices? Join our drop-in sessions to learn the basics of digital devices, from powering on your laptop or mobile phone to connecting to the internet. Gain essential skills like setting up an email account, sending emails with photos, registering for services, buying and selling goods online, and managing transactions. We’re here to help with all ... Mwy

Llyfrgell Pontardawe - Sesiwn galw heibio sgiliau digidol

Llyfrgell Pontardawe Holly St,, Swansea, Pontardawe

Need help with your digital devices? Join our drop-in sessions to learn the basics of digital devices, from powering on your laptop or mobile phone to connecting to the internet. Gain essential skills like setting up an email account, sending emails with photos, registering for services, buying and selling goods online, and managing transactions. We’re here to help with all ... Mwy

Llyfrgell Port Talbot - Sesiwn galw heibio sgiliau digidol

Llyfrgell Port Talbot First Floor, Aberafan Shopping Centre,, Swansea, Port Talbot

Need help with your digital devices? Join our drop-in sessions to learn the basics of digital devices, from powering on your laptop or mobile phone to connecting to the internet. Gain essential skills like setting up an email account, sending emails with photos, registering for services, buying and selling goods online, and managing transactions. We’re here to help with all ... Mwy


Prifysgol Abertawe, Technocamps 2nd Floor, Margam Building, Singleton Campus, Swansea

Ymunwch â chlwb codio Technocamps! Byddwn yn darparu sesiwn wythnosol AM DDIM i rai 9 i 16 oed lle byddwch yn dysgu sgiliau newydd wrth weithio tuag at nod prosiect terfynol. Clwb wythnosol hamddenol lle rydym yn dysgu ac yn chwarae gyda thechnoleg mewn amgylchedd hwyliog. Gallu cymysg ac ystod oedran; o ddechreuwyr i ddysgu peirianyddol uwch yn Python. Enghreifftiau o bynciau ... Mwy

Llyfrgell Sandfields - Sesiwn galw heibio sgiliau digidol

Llyfrgell Sandfields 8 Morrison Rd,, Swansea, Port Talbot

Need help with your digital devices? Join our drop-in sessions to learn the basics of digital devices, from powering on your laptop or mobile phone to connecting to the internet. Gain essential skills like setting up an email account, sending emails with photos, registering for services, buying and selling goods online, and managing transactions. We’re here to help with all ... Mwy

Technoclub @ Sandfields Library

Llyfrgell Sandfields 8 Morrison Rd,, Swansea, Port Talbot

Join Technocamps FREE in-person coding club for 9 to 16-year-olds where you will learn new digital skills. A relaxed club where we learn and play with tech in a fun environment. Mixed ability and age range; from beginners to advanced machine learning in Python. Examples of subjects include Micro Bits, Lego Spikes,Lego Mindstorms, Logic, Puzzles and more. No need to ... Mwy

Llyfrgell Pontardawe - Sesiwn galw heibio sgiliau digidol

Llyfrgell Pontardawe Holly St,, Swansea, Pontardawe

Need help with your digital devices? Join our drop-in sessions to learn the basics of digital devices, from powering on your laptop or mobile phone to connecting to the internet. Gain essential skills like setting up an email account, sending emails with photos, registering for services, buying and selling goods online, and managing transactions. We’re here to help with all ... Mwy

Port Talbot Library – digital skills drop-in session

Llyfrgell Port Talbot First Floor, Aberafan Shopping Centre,, Swansea, Port Talbot

Join our drop-in sessions to learn the basics of digital devices, from powering on your laptop or mobile phone to connecting to the internet. Gain essential skills like setting up an email account, sending emails with photos, registering for services, buying and selling goods online, and managing transactions. We’re here to help with all your digital questions. No need to ... Mwy

Mae'r Partner Arweiniol, Prifysgol Abertawe, yn elusen gofrestredig rhif. 1138342 a Chwmni Siarter Brenhinol rhif. RC000639