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  2. Cystadleuaeth

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Robotics Competition 2023

Announcing our 2023 Robotics Competition in partnership with the RAF! The theme of this year’s competition is Green Machines, and pupils from across Wales will be challenged to design and create a robot that is capable of sorting recycling and rubbish. Teams should consider whether the robot can recognise what it near and know where to arrange it. Creativity is ... Mwy

Cystadleuaeth Game of Codes 2024

Prifysgol Caerdydd, Adeilad Abacws Cardiff University, Abacws Building, Cardiff

Mae Game of Codes yn ôl gyda Chystadleuaeth Rhaglennu Genedlaethol Game of Codes Technocamps Cymru gyfan. Bydd y gystadleuaeth yn galluogi disgyblion sydd â diddordeb i ddatblygu eu sgiliau datrys problemau, cyfathrebu, a gwaith tîm wrth wella eu gwybodaeth o raglennu cyfrifiadurol mewn ffordd hwyliog a dyfeisgar. Yr her yw i greu darn o feddalwedd gan ddefnyddio Chwaraeon a Iechyd fel thema. Enghreifftiau ... Mwy

Dyddiad Cau Cofrestru Cystadleuaeth Roboteg 2024


Mae roboteg yn dod yn fwyfwy cyffredin yn ein bywydau o ddydd i ddydd, yn gallu cyflawni tasgau dim ond bodau dynol oedd medru yn y gorffenol. Mae Technocamps yn cynnal Cystadleuaeth Roboteg Genedlaethol Cymru gan ddefnyddio LEGO Mindstorm neu Spike, Arduino, neu unrhyw galedwedd roboteg arall sydd ar gael gennych. Bydd y gystadleuaeth yn galluogi disgyblion i ddatblygu eu sgiliau datrys problemau, cyfathrebu a gwaith tîm, yn ogystal â’u ... Mwy

Robotics Competition Final 2024 | South East Wales

USW University of South Wales

Please express your interest in participating before 4th June 2024 by emailing: South Wales: North Wales: Let us know if you require the loan of robotics kits and we can arrange this for you, however we only have a limited number available. The submission deadline for the video is 18th of June. All teams will be invited to ... Mwy

Rownd Derfynol Cystadleuaeth Roboteg 2024 | De Orllewin

Prifysgol Abertawe, Technocamps 2nd Floor, Margam Building, Singleton Campus, Swansea

Please express your interest in participating before 4th June 2024 by emailing: South Wales: North Wales: Let us know if you require the loan of robotics kits and we can arrange this for you, however we only have a limited number available. The submission deadline for the video is 18th of June. All teams will be invited to ... Mwy

Rownd Derfynol Cystadleuaeth Roboteg 2024 | Gogledd Cymru

Prifysgol Bangor

Please express your interest in participating before 4th June 2024 by emailing: South Wales: North Wales: Let us know if you require the loan of robotics kits and we can arrange this for you, however we only have a limited number available. The submission deadline for the video is 18th of June. All teams will be invited to ... Mwy

Mae'r Partner Arweiniol, Prifysgol Abertawe, yn elusen gofrestredig rhif. 1138342 a Chwmni Siarter Brenhinol rhif. RC000639