Mae byd o weithgareddau yn aros. A allwch chi helpu Danjac y Dewr ar ei daith epig i ddianc o Gastell Knightmare?
Cyfuniad o weithgareddau rhithwir ac yn y byd go iawn. Yn yr Wyl, bydd ffrwd fyw o anturiaethwur Danjac y Dewr sy'n gaeth mewn castell Cymreig (mewn byd mewn Minecraft: Education Edition).
Participants at the Darganfod // Discover Festival must solve cryptographic challenges to unlock boxes and help our adventurer escape from the castle. When festival participants solve a puzzle, they will be able to unlock a box to reveal a special item (tools, potions, maps) that they can send to Danjac, the Minecraft adventurer, who can use this item to help them progress in their quest. In a 2-way interactive adventure, Danjac will discover puzzles and locked boxes that need to be solved by the finest minds in North East Wales.
Can you help Danjac? Their escape depends on YOU! Think Knightmare meets escape room meets Minecraft.
Bydd y gweithgareddau yn para am ddiwrnod ac yn ail-adrodd o'r dechrau ar gyfer cynulleidfa newydd ar yr ail ddiwrnod.