Technocamps ar restr fer Gwobrau STEM Cymru 2022

adminGwobrau, Newyddion

We are thrilled to be amongst the prestigious businesses and individuals shortlisted in the 2022 Wales STEM Awards! As a pan-Wales organisation, we are amongst 34 innovative companies to be named finalists in this year’s highly anticipated awards, which celebrate those making a difference to, and championing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) in Wales. Following the success of the … Read More

Cyfle DPP RHAD AC AM DDIM i Athrawon yng Nghymru

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Technocamps is once again offering a fantastic, unique opportunity to teachers and support staff from both primary and secondary schools across Wales starting in Autumn 2022. We are offering this qualification absolutely FREE to teachers and schools. This qualification provides teachers with a wealth of content and pedagogical knowledge to enable and enhance the delivery of the Digital Competence Framework, Computer Science … Read More

Chwilio am siaradwyr a dysgwyr Cymraeg i helpu gyda chlwb codio lleol


Siarad Cymraeg? Looking for a volunteer role? Technocamps and Menter Iaith Caerdydd are looking for Welsh speakers and learners to support a bilingual Saturday morning code club at the ATRiuM in Cardiff for primary school age children (8-11 year olds). Coding club leaders will receive £10 per hour, as well as refreshments, and software training will be provided. There is … Read More

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2022: Technocamps yn Nhregaron


We were proud to participate in this year’s Eisteddfod Genedlaethol in Tregaron between 30 July – 6 August. Our stand on the Maes hosted a variety of activities during the week for all ages such as programming robots and coding. The Technocamps team from Bangor University brought along their Rubik’s cubes, which were very popular with both children and adults. … Read More

Astudiaeth Achos: Luke Clement

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Degree Apprenticeship Case Study, Newyddion, Staff

Our Operations Manager, Luke Clement, has recently completed our Degree Apprenticeship programme at Swansea University. Here, we look at how it has helped him improve his knowledge of computing and progress his career. Luke has been working for Technocamps for 5 years, initially as a Delivery Officer and now as the Operations Manager based at our main hub in Swansea. … Read More

Newsbyte: Haf 2022

adminNewyddion, Cylchlythyr

Shwmae a chroeso i rifyn Haf 2022 o Newsbyte! Mae’r haul yn tywynnu, mae’r flwyddyn ysgol yn dod i ben ac mae cynlluniau mawr gyda ni ar gyfer y tymor newydd. Fel bob amser, cysylltwch â ni oes allen ni helpu gydag unrhyw beth. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur ers y rhifyn ddiwethaf…

Cynhadledd Addysg 2022: Cyfrifiadura ar draws y Cwricwlwm

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are hosting our 2022 Education Conference in the Stadium on Thursday 1st December! The new Curriculum for Wales is being rolled out and we’re here to help you with any answers, resources and support you need. Talks will cover how you can incorporate computing across the curriculum and will be relevant to both primary and secondary school teachers … Read More

Llwyddiant Academi STEM 2022

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

As part of Technocamps’ STEM Academy this Summer, we hosted a whole load of fun activities across Wales to inspire, motivate and engage young people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects. Anyone who has ever taken part in our workshops knows that we have a knack of turning complicated science and technology into fun and interesting activities in the classroom! … Read More

Robotiaid Chwylfrydig yn ein Cystadleuaeth Flynyddol


Last week, twelve teams went head to head in our 2022 Robotics Competition in partnership with the RAF! The theme of this year’s competition was Explore the Unexplored, and pupils from across Wales were challenged to delve into uncharted territory by designing and creating a robot that could explore new and extreme conditions, such as planets, jungles, deserts and the … Read More

Mwynhau Roboteg gyda Gweinidog yr Economi


On Friday, we got Welsh Government Minister for Education, Vaughan Gething MS, involved in our STEM workshop. We recently visited St Cuthbert’s Primary School in Cardiff for a STEM workshop with the pupils there. The Minister came along to see what we are doing to inspire and engage young people in the area in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in … Read More