Astudiaeth Achos: Becki Bawler

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau, Workshops & Events Case Study

Becki Bawler has been involved with Technocamps for about 6 years. Having qualified as a French teacher but with a little IT experience and an interest in the subject, she became the IT teacher and used support from Technocamps to run more computing based activities for learners at her school. Becki also attended an Introduction to Python workshop a few years … Read More

Posteri Cyfrifiadurwyr


We have designed some bilingual posters with information about well-known computer scientists for you to display in your classroom. These figures all appear in the curriculum and these posters contain useful information about their work. There are individual posters and a larger poster that contains biographies from all six scientists: James Gosling, Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Tim Berners-Lee, Steve Jobs … Read More

Technocamps yn ennill Gwobr am Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant mewn STEM

adminGwobrau, Newyddion

On 16 November 2022, Technocamps received a STEM Inspiration Award for Outstanding Contribution to Widening Participation, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM. The award, sponsored by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), was presented by Baroness Brown of Cambridge at an awards ceremony in the House of Lords in London. Technocamps is a pan-Wales schools, community and industry outreach programme based at … Read More

Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched 2023

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Technocamps and Institute of Coding in Wales | International Women’s Day 2023 Join us as we celebrate Women in STEM and 20 years of Technocamps on Wednesday 8th March. The annual ITWales International Women’s Day Celebration provides an insight into the diverse range of business and career opportunities for women in the 21st Century. It offers a platform for sharing … Read More

Technocamps a Rhanbarth Caerdydd


Rydym yn ysbrydoli ac yn ysgogi pobl ifanc ledled Cymru i feddwl yn wahanol am Gyfrifiadureg. Mae ein gwaith yn Ne Cymru wedi cefnogi 1,500 o bobl ifanc a 50 o athrawon ym Mhrifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd ers dechrau ein cyllid UE yn 2018. Dysgwch fwy isod…

Newsbyte: Autumn 2022

adminNewyddion, Cylchlythyr

Shwmae and welcome to the Autumn 2022 edition of Newsbyte! We’re in a new academic year and we have big plans for the winter. As always, get in touch if there is anything we can help you with. Here’s what we have been up to since the last edition…

Technocamps yn ennill gwobr STEM fawreddog

adminGwobrau, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Technocamps has been named Informatics Europe’s 2022 Best Practices in Education Award winner. Technocamps is a Welsh Government-funded STEM outreach programme with hubs in every university across the country. Its main goal is digitally upskilling children and adults in Wales and has now gained International recognition for its innovative educational practices. Organised by Informatics Europe and sponsored by Microsoft, the … Read More

10 Arloeswr Du mewn Cyfrifiadureg

adminBlog, Newyddion

Each October, we honour Black History Month by sharing, celebrating and understanding the impact of Black heritage and culture. Let’s take a look at 10 Black pioneers in Computer Science that have made the industry what it is today.. 1. Katherine JohnsonYou may know of Katherine Johnson from the film Hidden Figures. Her work as a mathematician and “human computer” … Read More

Technocamps: Y Stori Hyd Yma


As Technocamps’ European funding comes to an end, we take a look back on our successes from the last 20 years. 2003Technocamps is establishedIt is set up as an outreach unit of the Computer Science Department at Swansea University to address the problems of how computing was taught in schools in Wales. 2004Technocamps Workshops, £25K MicrosoftMicrosoft support allowed us to … Read More

Technocamps: Eich hoff atgofion

adminBlog, Newyddion

As the European-funded Technocamps project comes to an end, we asked Technocamps staff for their favourite memories of the pan-Wales STEM outreach project. Here’s what we reminisced about… After the Yellowsands Summer School, we went to Ysgol Bae Baglan to visit the pupils and chat to them now. We arrived early and heard that the pupils had escaped from their … Read More