Datblygu sgiliau'r genhedlaeth nesaf o arbenigwyr seiber ddiogelwch


We’re working with the University of South Wales on a nationwide project to develop the skills of Wales’ next generation of cyber security experts. Our Technocamps hub in the University of South Wales, which is a Gold standard National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) partner and which has won ‘Cyber University of the Year’ for four consecutive, is leading the NCSC’s CyberFirst … Read More

Technocamps yn cefnogi BBC micro:bit - the next gen

Luke ClementDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We’re supporting BBC’s micro:bit campaign to get young people in Wales excited about STEM. BBC is once again launching a new micro:bit campaign following the success of the previous campaign in 2015, which saw a million micro:bit devices delivered to schools for their Year 7 pupils across the UK. The new campaign, BBC micro:bit – the next gen, will focus on … Read More

Newsbyte: Gwanwyn 2023

adminNewyddion, Cylchlythyr

Shwmae a chroeso i rifyn Gwanwyn 2023 o Newsbyte! Mae’r haul yn tywynnu ac mae hi bron yn hanner tymor, felly gadewch i ni fynd ati. Fel bob amser, cysylltwch â ni oes allen ni helpu gydag unrhyw beth. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur ers y rhifyn ddiwethaf…

Citiau LEGO SPIKE Prime ar gyfer ysgolion yng Nghymru

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

CyberFirst has loaned robotics kits to Technocamps to engage young people in Wales in STEM. CyberFirst have donated some LEGO Education SPIKE Prime kits for us to enable more schools to participate in our Robotics Competition this year. With more kits available across our regional hubs, we will work with schools across the country to engage children in fun and exciting STEM activities. … Read More

Gweithio gydag ysgolion lleol i gefnogi cwricwlwm amgen

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Our University of South Wales Hub Coordinator, Laura Roberts, recently attended Herbert Thompson Primary’s Cwtch group to deliver a series of exciting and interactive lessons with a small group of learners who require an ‘alternative curriculum’ in a different environment due to a range of additional learning needs and low engagement with education. The group, made up of Year 6 … Read More

Technocamps yn defnyddio TASK i wella ymgysylltiad STEM yn y dosbarth


We have joined forces with TASK to enhance our digital upskilling and STEM engagements in classrooms (and beyond!) across Wales. TASK’s easy, accessible, hands-on experiments are ideal to help us encourage young people to enjoy Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. “We were very excited when we were first introduced to TASK. The kit offers context for pupils into STEM subjects … Read More

Gweminar WiST: Sut i wneud pobl ifanc yn gyffrous am STEM

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Technocamps’ WiST events are aimed at women in the technology sector (or with a keen interest in the industry) to learn from other inspirational women and network with like-minded people. All events are entirely free thanks to funding support from the Welsh Government’s European Social Fund. Girls are underrepresented in STEM industries, and Technocamps aims to redress the balance by … Read More

Gradd-brentisiaeth mewn Meddalwedd Peirianneg am ddim: Cwestiynau Cyffredin

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Our innovative Degree Apprenticeship programme allows you to “earn and learn” – to remain in full-time employment whilst earning a BSc (Hons) degree that contextualises your academic learning in your work-place. The best part? It’s entirely free to you and your employer. Here’s everything you need to know… What is a Degree Apprenticeship?Our Degree Apprenticeship programme combines traditional academic learning … Read More

Llwyddiant Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Building on the Legacy of ITWales, we held our annual International Women’s Day Celebration event on Wednesday 8 March 2023. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. Annually, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and … Read More

Gweminar Gyrfaoedd STEM LGBTQ+ cyntaf i Technocamps

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

On St David’s Day 2023, we held our first LGBTQ+ STEM Careers webinar, compèred by Laura Roberts, Regional Coordinator for SE Wales.  With three speakers from the LGBTQ+ STEM community and Mark Etheridge, LGBTQ+ History Curator from Museums Wales, the talk covered different areas of chemistry, biology, physics and computing research, as well as their experiences as LGBTQ+ members of … Read More