Roboteg, Micro:Bit a'r Technoleg Diweddaraf mewn Addysg - Gweminar

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

SERAS, the UK’s nationwide network for Skills and Education for Robotics and Autonomous Systems, is holding a mini-conference on 25th February 2021. It will be an online discussion about current best practice in utilising robots and other 4IR technologies in education and skills provision. And it is completely free. This event will feature talks from Our Assistant Director, Stewart Powell Micro:bit wizard David … Read More

Y Genhedlaeth Nesaf o Wneuthurwyr Gêm


We have recently undertaken a collaboration project with Cardiff Science Festival and Impact Gamers. The project, Impact Games, aimed to inspire young people to become game makers rather than game players! The project will end with a celebratory demonstration of the games that has been created as part of the Cardiff Science Festival in February 2021. We were pleased to … Read More

Adroddiad Blynyddol 2020

adminAdroddiad Blynyddol, Newyddion

We had a busy 2020, moving our entire offering online, hosting a huge Summer of STEM holiday club, launching a new website and creating a whole host of new ways to support children and teachers in Wales with their Computing education. All in all, we’ve had a successful year, thanks to the commitment of our wonderful staff members and partners, and … Read More

Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod 2021

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Join us as we virtually celebrate Women in STEM and our partnerships over the past year. The annual Technocamps and ITWales International Women’s Day Celebration provides an insight into the diverse range of business and career opportunities for women in the 21st Century. It offers a platform for sharing experiences, knowledge, and best practice for women, particularly those working within … Read More

Digwyddiad WiST: Wyt ti'n Seibr Ddiogel?

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

A sad truth is that most of us will have been affected by at least one information security breach in our lifetimes. A sad truth is that most of us will have been affected by at least one information security breach in our lifetimes. On the news we regularly hear about hackers, whether it be nation-state involvement in voting systems … Read More

‘Craft My City’ – cyfle i bobl ifanc helpu ffurfio Caerdydd gan ddefnyddio Minecraft

adminCystadleuaeth, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED. We are working with Cardiff Council to provide children and young people with a unique and innovative opportunity to help shape the future of Cardiff by using Minecraft. ‘Craft My City’ is a Child Friendly Cardiff initiative which aims to engage young people in a range of strategic developments by using Minecraft Education. The digital … Read More

Cwrs hyfforddi Minecraft: Education Edition


Hwb have created a new course to take educators from launching Minecraft (even if it’s for the first time) through to developing their own lessons that will enrich various areas of learning and experience. Why should I participate in Minecraft: Education Edition training?  The Minecraft: Education Edition training course is based on an action research design, incorporating a reflective process as … Read More

Free Virtual Workshops


We’ve been working hard to develop a whole host of virtual workshops for primary and secondary school ages. Workshops are currently virtual via live streaming into classrooms throughout Wales. All workshops are fully funded by support from the Welsh Government. Secondary We work with secondary schools in Wales to deliver STEM Enrichment Programmes engaging with pupils by delivering a range … Read More

Cystadleuaeth Pecynnau Gweithgaredd Newydd

adminCystadleuaeth, Newyddion

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED. We’re offering prizes to the schools and pupils who complete the most activity packs on our website before Friday 26th March 2021. With more school closures, we appreciate that this is a stressful time for parents, teachers and pupils. As this means we cannot offer face-to-face workshops or activities with pupils, we want to remind … Read More

2020 Mewn Rhifau


Like everyone, we’ve had a really busy year that was full of unexpected challenges. We’ve moved our entire offering online, held a huge Summer of STEM holiday club and created a whole host of new ways to support children and teachers in Wales with their Computing education. All in all, we’ve had a successful year, thanks to the commitment of … Read More