Clwb Codio am ddim ar gyfer Disgyblion yng Nghymru

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Our commitment to providing children with the skills they need to develop and grow continues, and we now offer after-school virtual code clubs for children aged 9-16. Technoclub is an opportunity for young people to gain computing experience during live interactive sessions outside of school. The club provides a free weekly session where pupils will learn new Computer Science skills whilst working towards … Read More

Astudiaeth Achos: Dave Breeze

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Degree Apprenticeship Case Study, Newyddion

Dave is a Software Developer at Veeqo, an Amazon-owned company based in Swansea. It was through his role at a previous company that he signed up for our fully-funded Degree Apprenticeship programme Dave initially got into computer science purely as a way to solve problems. He was working in an admin job and there were dozens of repetitive tasks being … Read More

Penderfyniadau, Dilemâu a Thechnolegau Digidol

adminBlog, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

[Blog by Delivery Officer Nia John] It has been an interesting academic year, to say the least – school closures, learning from home and self-isolation have become routine. However, that doesn’t mean that everything is different, and for thousands of pupils across Wales, now is the time to be making decisions about their futures by choosing their GCSE and A-Level … Read More

Astudiaeth Achos: Aled-Wyn John

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Degree Apprenticeship Case Study, Newyddion

Aled works within Swansea University‘s Estates department as a systems administrator and has a keen interest in sports. He was first made aware of the Degree Apprenticeship programme through his line manager and jumped at the chance of getting involved. After a short interview and a small test, he was accepted onto the course… Aled had an interest in IT … Read More

Free ‘earn while you learn’ Degree Apprenticeship for employees in Wales

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Degree Apprenticeship

The next intake of our Degree Apprenticeship programme starts in September 2021! Earn a BSc in Applied Software Engineering without leaving employment (or paying a penny). Our Degree Apprenticeship programme combines traditional academic learning in a University environment with work-based projects that allow you to apply your newly acquired academic knowledge to your role at work. This innovative programme allows … Read More

Newsbyte: Haf 2021

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau, Cylchlythyr

Welcome to our Summer 2021 newsletter. We are over halfway through the year already! The second half of 2021 will see our nationwide STEM Academy, our free Education Conference and more STEM workshops in schools across Wales – all in person (hopefully!). As always, if there’s anything we can do for you – as a teacher, a business or a … Read More

Llwyddiant Adeiladau Cyd-drigo Minecraft


We recently worked with Swansea Co-Housing and Christopher Gutteridge from the University of Southampton IT department, as well as Sketty Primary School in Swansea to design cohousing buildings for local residents. Swansea Co-Housing have been researching opportunities to develop community focused, sustainable and congenial living spaces in the Swansea area. We teamed up to work on a project where local schoolchildren were asked to … Read More

Un Byd, Un Dechnoleg

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

In this guest blog, Delivery Officer Arunima from our Cardiff hub writes about our recent One World, One Technology exchange project with schools in India. The last month has been a rollercoaster of achievements, new experiences and awareness for our Cardiff hub, when we finally completed our 5-week international cultural exchange project, ‘One World, One Technology’. This project aimed to … Read More

Cyhoeddi Enillwyr Cystadleuaeth Cartref y Dyfodol

adminCystadleuaeth, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

And the winner is… Our recent competition, in partnership with Energy Saving Trust and NEST, asked pupils to design their own game, using any programming software, that would make a house more environmentally-friendly. First Place: Spuddy and Co (Adam, Ethan, Leo, Cerys), St Martin’s Comprehensive SchoolSecond Place: Team Penguin (Tilda and Oscar), homeschooledThird Place: Tech & Co (Jack, Dawid and Jack), Milford Haven … Read More