Technocamps yn Lansio ei Rwydwaith Newydd Sbon i Ferched sy’n Gweithio ym maes STEM

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

The year 2019 saw the launch of Technocamps new Role Model Network for women working in STEM, in association with Women in Tech Cymru. The aim of the network is to establish connections between women working within the sector (technology in particular) with regular meet ups to learn from each other’s experience in the workplace and to support and inspire … Read More

Prifysgol Abertawe Yn Dathlu Graddedigion Gradd-Brentisiaethau Cyntaf Cymru

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Swansea University is celebrating the success of the first degree apprenticeship graduates in Wales. The 14 students have completed a three-year programme in Applied Software Engineering with the University’s Computer Science department. The Degree Apprenticeship Programme combines traditional academic learning in a university environment with work-based projects allowing the students to apply their newly-acquired academic knowledge within their specific job … Read More

Dadansoddi algorithmau, mathemateg a chyfrifiadureg yn Narlithoedd Nadolig y Sefydliad Brenhinol

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures are well-established in the UK Calendar and this year two Technocamps University partners were able to stream the filming of the show ‘live’ to an audience of excited young people and their families. The Technocamps team worked in collabora- tion with Swansea University’s Oriel Science Project and the National Waterfront Museum for one of the … Read More

Cyfle DPP Achrededig AM DDIM ar gyfer athrawon ledled Cymru

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Technocamps is once again offering a fantastic, unique opportunity to teachers and support staff from both primary and secondary schools across Wales; training towards the accredited QCF-Level 3 Certificate in Computing for Teachers, commencing in the Autumn Term 2020. Technocamps is offering this qualification absolutely FREE to teachers and schools. This qualification provides teachers with a wealth of content and pedagogical knowledge to enable and … Read More

Gweithio gyda’r DVLA a’i her godio flynyddol

adminCystadleuaeth, Digwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are proud and privileged to continue our long-term relationship with Swansea’s DVLA and once again sponsored their annual ‘Code Challenge’ competition. The competition is open to both primary and secondary schools who work in teams to rise to the challenge of using coding to produce apps, games, webpages, etc. This year’s challenges included designing a game to keep children … Read More

Gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda Rhwydwaith Seren i greu sêr technoleg y dyfodol

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Our project has recently teamed up with the Seren Network to help encourage and inspire the next generation of technological superstars. The goal of the Wales-wide Seren (Foundation) Network is to stretch and challenge young people, raising their career aspirations and giving them opportunities to progress regardless of their financial background. Seren works with secondary-aged pupils, helping them to see … Read More

Mae Game of Codes yn ôl unwaith eto!

adminCystadleuaeth, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

The competition (now in its 5th year) gives pupils from all across the country the opportunity to develop their problem solving, communication and teamworking skills.  Game of Codes offers a fantastic opportunity for young people to learn all about programming, while working on a real life problem.  Improving their knowledge of computer programming in a fun and inventive way. The … Read More

Technocamps yn Ymuno yn yr Hwyl yng Ngŵyl Wyddoniaeth Abertawe

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Kicking off the half-term holidays in Wales, the Swansea Science Festival is an annual treat for both children and grown-ups, offering hands-on exhibits, live experiments and techie workshops keeping visitors entertained for the entire weekend.  Organized by Swansea University, Technocamps was once again privileged to have been asked to participate at this exceptional, family-focused event.   It was an opportunity to showcase the … Read More

Myfyriwr Gradd-brentisiaeth ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer llwyddiant!

adminGwobrau, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We are proud to be celebrating with Max Rochefort-Shugar, a second-year student on the BSc (Hons) Applied Software Engineering Degree Apprenticeship programme at Swansea University. Having been nominated in the summer, Max was long-listed for interview in September, and successfully made it onto the short-list. He will now be attending the Awards Dinner in November at the Voco St David’s hotel … Read More