Cystadleuaeth Pecynnau Gweithgareddau


COMPETITION NOW CLOSED Our new on-line Activity Packs have helped to keep children motivated and excited this summer and they have been extremely popular. Our delivery team developed some great worksheets, videos, and quizzes that can be found here. Pupils have the chance to work through the packs and submit their quiz answers to the team.  They will then be added … Read More

Technoclub: Clwb codio 6-wythnos


Join our virtual coding club! Each Technoclub region will provide a FREE weekly session where you will learn new Computer Science skills whilst working towards an end project goal. It’s aimed at all abilities (ages 9-16) and only requires internet access. The first session will be on 2nd November, working through until 7th December. Days to be announced (dependant on … Read More

Astudiaeth Achos: Ben Dodd

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Workshops & Events Case Study

It is common to think that once you have a full-time job, your education stops. We believe that learning is a continuous process that you can pursue at any stage of life. We work with a lot of amazing people who have been inspired by their new knowledge of Computer Science and have applied these skills to their everyday lives. … Read More

Astudiaeth Achos: Robert Harris

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Workshops & Events Case Study

Robert is a Cardiff University graduate whose career in computer science was inspired by a week-long Technocamps workshop he undertook while in school.  He currently works as an Associate Consultant for global software company Red Hat, having completed their graduate programme.   His work takes him across the world, and he has travelled to places like Prague and Munich during the … Read More

Mwy o adnoddau STEM


We have opened up the portal we developed for the Summer programme and the resources we developed as a team are available for you to use and share. We had a lot of fun developing and delivering them over the summer and it would be great to hear if you have developed anything new by using them too. Please share … Read More



When it comes to our children’s learning, we might consider science and maths to be something that’s best left to the professionals, the realm of teachers and schools. While there is no substitute for the important work that goes on in our schools, the influence of parents on their children cannot be understated. Parents have a profound effect on their … Read More

WAW! Am Haf o STEM

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion

The school holidays have been a bit different this year, with pupils from all parts of Wales enjoying an extended break after months of enforced lockdown learning online. It seems, though, that some pupils can’t get enough of science and technology. We were completely bowled over with the response to our FREE Summer of STEM event which took place over … Read More

Newsbyte: Haf


Welcome to the Summer edition of Newsbyte. Like everyone else we have had a crazy couple of months as the team gets used to the new ‘normal’ to limit the disruption caused by Covid-19. In this edition you can read all about some of the things we have done to keep our motivation during lockdown, as well as finding out … Read More

Haf STEM Technocamps

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion

Anyone who has ever participated in one of our workshops knows that Technocamps Delivery Officers have a knack of turning complicated science and technology into fun and interesting activities in the classroom. This year we have decided to use all our skills and experiences to do something a bit different and really exciting over the summer holidays. Like everyone else, … Read More