Mae Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti nawr yn Ysgol Ardystiedig Technocamps Aur


Sketty Primary School in Swansea has become the first Gold Technocamps Certified School. Nine out of Sketty Primary School’s ten Key Stage 2 teachers have now completed the Technocamps Certified Primary CPD training following the Spring Term graduation. To achieve Gold status, 75% of a school’s Key Stage 2 teachers must complete the course, and with 90% completed, Sketty Primary … Read More

Astudiaeth Achos: Dan Evans

adminAstudiaeth Achos, Newyddion, Staff, Workshops & Events Case Study

Dan lives near the small village of Bethesda in North Wales and is currently studying a BSc in Computer Information Systems at Bangor University. He is also a Delivery Officer at Technocamps’ Bangor Hub. This year, he has been able to expand his degree programme, by being offered a placement year with Technocamps starting in September. Dan’s first interaction with … Read More

Newsbyte: Gwanwyn 2021

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau, Cylchlythyr

Welcome to our Spring 2021 newsletter. We may not be able to deliver our workshops in schools at the moment, but the team has been keeping busy delivering virtually. We have some exciting events and competitions coming up that you can read all about below. In the meantime, follow our social media channels (@technocamps) to keep up with what we’re … Read More

Gweithlyfrau yn Gwneud STEM yn Hygyrch i Bawb

adminNewyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

We have produced 4,000 physical Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activity workbooks and resources to support homeschooling without the need for internet access. We have been working across our hubs in Welsh Universities to provide digital resources, activities and workshops for schoolchildren in Wales since the beginning of the pandemic. Following feedback that not all children have easy access to … Read More

Un Byd, Un Dechnoleg

adminBlog, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

[Blog by Susan Monkton, Schools Liaison Officer at our Cardiff Hub] The last 12 months have certainly been an experience. Not only have we experienced a global pandemic, but we have also seen protests, politics and panic buying! We have all discovered the way the world can work if it really has to, and the benefits and challenges that can … Read More

Digwyddiad WiST: Cyfrinachau 365

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Are you up to date with the latest technology? Have you harnessed the power that Microsoft Office 365 can bring? There are over 34 different apps to use inside 365 and here we will discuss how to use them to improve your workplace, increase collaboration and make your life easier. In out next WiST (Women in Science and Technology) talk on … Read More

Hwyl rithwir STEM gyda'r Brownies a Guides

adminBlog, Newyddion

[Blog by Technocamps Schools Liaison Officer, Joanne Ralph] I have been Schools Liaison Officer for Technocamps for the past two years and before that I was a secondary school science teacher. Within both roles I have always strived to engender enthusiasm for STEM subjects in young people, especially girls. My daughter was a Brownie, and every week came home excited … Read More

Sut i Wneud yn siŵr eich bod chi'n Seiberddiogel

adminBlog, Newyddion

[Blog by Technocamps Delivery Officer, Olga Petrovska] Do you remember a time when hearing “You’ve got mail” caused elation? For today’s internet user that feels rather surreal, and yet it was a reality some 20 years ago. With the development of technology, our notion of online is being continuously redefined. Just think about how much time you spend connected these … Read More

Cystadleuaeth Cartref y Dyfodol

adminCystadleuaeth, Newyddion

THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW ENDED Can you develop a game that shows energy efficiency in the home and the issues surrounding it? Our new competition, in partnership with Energy Saving Trust and NEST, is asking pupils (up to the age of 16) to design their own game, using any programming software, that would make a house more environmentally-friendly. The winning … Read More