Academi STEM rhad ac am ddim ar gyfer plant yng Nhgymru dros yr Haf

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

This Summer, we are hosting a series of fun activities across Wales as part of our new STEM Academy! All activities are free thanks to funding support from the Welsh Government. For more information on any of the events below, email Swansea Anyone who has ever taken part in our workshops knows that we have a knack of turning … Read More

Defnyddio Minecraft i wella cynlluniau cynaliadwyedd Caerdydd

adminBlog, Newyddion

[Blog by Technocamps Delivery Officer, Laura Choy] Minecraft captures an element of artistic freedom that many other mediums haven’t yet matched. The ability to model a 3-dimensional world with simple tools enables visions and ideas to take form with ease. During my youth, I spent many hours with my peers building elegant constructions and venturing off into the diverse biomes … Read More

Lansio Podlediad Newydd i Annog Pobl Ifanc i Ystyried Gyrfaoedd STEM

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Our new podcast, Technotalks, aims to entertain and inform young people about the careers available to them in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths sectors. Each week, inspiring people in STEM careers will discuss what their job involves, their career path and the exciting new technology in their field. Laura Roberts, our USW Regional Coordinator, will host the podcast, interviewing … Read More

Adeiladu prosiectau cyd-drigo yn Abertawe gan ddefnyddio Minecraft


We have been working with Swansea Co-Housing and Christopher Gutteridge from the University of Southampton IT department, as well as schools in the area to design cohousing buildings for local residents. Swansea Co-Housing have been researching opportunities to develop community focused, sustainable and congenial living spaces in the Swansea area. We teamed up to work on a project where local … Read More

TGAU Technoleg Ddigidol Newydd yng Nghymru: (Bron) Popeth y Mae Angen i chi ei Wybod

adminBlog, Newyddion

The Digital Technology GCSE will be introduced to schools in Wales in September 2021. Here’s (nearly) everything you need to know about it… The inspiration for the course was a 2018 report, launched by Qualification Wales with Technocamps at Swansea University’s Computational Foundry, “ICT Qualifications need Fundamental Reform, say Regulator”. The report concluded a need for a new digital based … Read More

Disgyblion yn cefnogi dyluniad gorsaf reilffordd newydd gan ddefnyddio Minecraft


Pupils from Milford Haven have redesigned the new train station in a Minecraft world, in the hopes of inspiring the council’s new real-life design. We have been working with Milford Haven Comprehensive School and Pembrokeshire Council to challenge pupils to design and build the town’s new train station in Minecraft. Pupils were asked to think about the future of their … Read More

Buddsoddiad o £3.8M gan yr UE yn Technocamps i Gefnogi Uwchsgilio Digidol ledled Cymru yn Cael ei Ymestyn


In 2003, Technocamps was established as a small unit within Swansea University to address issues with the teaching of computing in schools in Wales. 18 years on, and many collaborations later, Technocamps is celebrating another year of EU structural funding from the Welsh Government. Back in 2018, Technocamps secured £5.3M of both EU funds (via the European Social Fund) and … Read More

Minecraft i ddylanwadu ar ddyluniad ysbyty canser newydd yn y dyfodol

adminCystadleuaeth, Newyddion

We are working on an exciting partnership with Velindre University NHS Trust to adopt gamification to engage the children and young people of south east Wales in the design of the Trust’s new cancer centre. An amazing bespoke Minecraft world encompassing the site for the new Velindre Cancer Centre has been built by our Cardiff ambassadors.  Those entering the competition … Read More

Achub y Gofodwr yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd

adminDigwyddiad, Newyddion, Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

This year’s Eisteddfod yr Urdd is being held between 31 May and 4 June 2021, with a series of competitions, activities and events for children of all ages. On Tuesday 1 June and Friday 4 June, we will be hosting our popular Achub y Gofodwr (‘Space Saving’) workshop as part of Swansea University’s Gwyddonle series. The virtual, Welsh-medium sessions are … Read More