Technocamps Game Of Codes 2019 Coding Competition – Smart Cities

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Game of Codes is back as Technocamps pan-Wales National Programming Competition.  The competition will enable interested pupils to develop their problem solving, communication and teamwork skills as well as improving their knowledge of computer programming in a fun and inventive way. The challenge is to create a piece of software using Smart Cities as the theme.  Your software must have an original … Read More

ICT Qualifications Need Fundamental Reform, Says Regulator

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ICT qualifications used in schools and further education colleges are outdated and need fundamental reform. That’s the conclusion reached by regulator Qualifications Wales, who recommend re-designing Information and Communication Technology qualifications in Wales. The review discovered that ICT qualifications have not kept pace with the fast-moving digital sector. It recommends the development of new GCSE and A level Digital Technology … Read More

Technocamps After School Coding Club Spring Term Registration is now open

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The Technocamps 2018-2019 Tuesday or Thursday After School Coding Club starts January and will continue every Tuesday/Thursday afternoon during school term time in the Technocamps Delivery Room, Singleton Campus (Further specific direction to the delivery room will be provided upon slot confirmation).  In the Technocamps Coding Club, a wide range of computing topics will be will be covered making use of a variety of programming languages such as Greenfoot, Logo, Python, … Read More

Hong Kong Youngsters Learn Computer Science Skills as Successful Welsh collaboration goes Overseas

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The innovative school’s outreach programme Technocamps have announced that they’ll be reuniting with Theatr na nÓg for a collaborative project in Hong Kong this January as part of the SPARK Festival.  Since their establishment in 2003, the Technocamps team have delivered workshops in programming, games development, robotics, coding and app development to more than 45,000 young people in Wales. January 2019 sees … Read More

Teachers Get Stuck In to Programming on Technoteach Course

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Once again the summer holidays have come and gone and a new cohort of teachers enrolled on our Technoteach course have begun developing their programming skills. For the Fourth year running the Technoteach CPD accredited course has seen teachers from across Wales attending fortnightly full-day sessions designed to improve their knowledge of programming concepts and how to translate this into … Read More

The Institute of Coding Wales Launched to Tackle Digital Skills Gap

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The Institute of Coding (IoC) in Wales, a major partnership led by Swansea University, which forms part of the National Institute of Coding based in England to act on the digital skills gap and create the next generation of digital specialists, has been launched at the Senedd in Cardiff. The combined Welsh and English Institute of Coding provides a £21.2 million fund … Read More

Technocamps After-School Coding Club 2018-2019 Begins!

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Overview:  In the After-School Coding Club, a wide range of computing topics will be covered making use of a variety of programming languages (Greenfoot, Logo, Python, BBC micro:bit, Scratch, Lego Mindstorm and also some fun and practical theory-based Computational Thinking sessions).  We welcome children from the ages of 7 to 16 without prior experience or knowledge on coding and programming … Read More

Thirty Eight Teachers Across Wales Celebrate Qualification Success

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In July thirty-eight teachers – from both Primary and Secondary schools across Wales – became the third cohort of learners to successfully achieve the (QCF) Level 3 Certificate of Computing for Teachers as part of a year-long Technoteach CPD programme. This Technoteach CPD programme is supported by the National Science Academy through the Welsh Government to up-skill teachers to become competent and … Read More

Funding Announced for Programme Helping Youngsters Improve Computer Science Skills

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The announcement, at a Prince’s Trust event in Cardiff, confirmed that the University’s Technocamps Programme at the Department of Computer Science would receive £5.3 million from the European Social Fund. The three-year Technocamps Operation aims to inspire and motivate pupils across Wales to learn more about Computer Science and STEM subjects and will engage with 3,600 pupils. There is a particular … Read More

Technocamps & First Campus Artificial Intelligence Residential Conference 2018

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Thanks to funding, secured by Prof Andrew Ware, via the Journal Division of the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organisation, IJCAI, Technocamps, supported by First Campus, hosted a two night residential event for Year 12 pupils from across South East Wales. The event was held at the Treforest campus of USW and based within the Faculty of Computing, Engineering … Read More