Gender Equality in Tech – Who cares?


It seems ages now since our last Women in STEM networking event took place. These events provided women working in science and technology an opportunity to meet together in a friendly and supportive environment, to learn from each other’s experiences and anecdotes. We heard some fantastic tales from some truly inspirational women, leaving us in awe of their achievements and … Read More

Join us for our FREE Virtual Teach Meet


When Covid-19 began to impact education here in Wales, no-one could have forecast that our schools would still be closed to all but a few children over 3 months later.  At Technocamps we are thankful that things are starting to look more positive, with schools preparing to welcome pupils back over the next few weeks.  it is still, however, quite … Read More

Supporting Distance Learning for Post-16 Learners

adminEvent, News

As part of the ongoing Welsh Government’s #StaySafeStayLearning initiative, Technocamps is pleased that it has been able to put its experience to good use. The team has been working hard behind the scenes, to develop exciting and enriching opportunities for students in Years 12 and 13, as they begin to prepare for their transition into Higher Education. A variety of … Read More

Technocamps is virtually always available!


Like everyone else during the Covid-19 crisis, Technocamps has had to adapt to a new way of working. As a European and Welsh Government funded project we have been lucky to have the resources to enable us to switch to an online version of ourselves. Now, our new ‘normal’ is almost entirely virtual. At the start of April, we launched … Read More

Case study: Fiona Humphreys

adminCase Study, Technoteach, Workshops & Events Case Study

Fiona is the Head of Business and an ICT teacher at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr, and she recently undertook our VTCT course. She follows two of her colleagues who have successfully completed the qualification. Fiona had been thrown into the deep end, having to teach Scratch with no prior knowledge, and learn how to think computationally. She also started a weekly code … Read More

Case study: Colette Hughes

adminCase Study, Workshops & Events Case Study

When Colette was deciding on a topic for one of her final assessments as part of her teacher training, she was inspired by a Technocamps workshop in her class a week earlier.  Colette is a Year 5 teacher at Ysgol y Castell in Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, and is completing her NQT year. She chose to use the workshop as a basis for … Read More

Suspendisse morbi pretium


Eu donec in etiam ornare integer nam torquent ut, duis convallis semper proin vulputate arcu viverra nibh lectus, aliquet cras rutrum interdum phasellus suspendisse eleifend faucibus, magnis neque tempor adipiscing mus sollicitudin luctus. Sodales non eu taciti rutrum ultrices dapibus ipsum pharetra, massa integer cras varius ante augue tortor ultricies iaculis, a congue laoreet facilisi aptent nisi odio. Ullamcorper ac … Read More

Finibus ornare nascetur


Turpis nascetur blandit commodo tincidunt est per ornare augue metus enim in pharetra mattis mus, class molestie vestibulum penatibus curabitur quisque etiam semper suspendisse egestas iaculis himenaeos. Himenaeos etiam fermentum eleifend malesuada maximus cras suscipit platea conubia, sapien dictumst ad litora accumsan semper proin enim, feugiat turpis venenatis nullam blandit est dui tellus. Eu purus magnis sit magna tellus enim … Read More

Inceptos penatibus habitasse


Lobortis nullam et euismod efficitur adipiscing dictum dui vestibulum aenean porta, hac primis feugiat blandit class erat nec elit. Ipsum duis eleifend at feugiat ac est auctor, sollicitudin maximus facilisis lorem varius semper, litora natoque suspendisse netus phasellus libero. Sollicitudin rutrum mattis ad et in nostra feugiat sit imperdiet tellus ex, suspendisse orci ligula scelerisque metus inceptos adipiscing conubia habitasse … Read More

Magna ligula suspendisse


Lectus curabitur lacinia vulputate scelerisque ridiculus tristique quam at facilisis facilisi, ex id cubilia rhoncus nibh luctus tincidunt amet condimentum dapibus, duis nascetur tortor natoque egestas varius sed et risus. Cras suspendisse risus facilisis mollis nam nostra proin, ultrices erat rhoncus eleifend vestibulum lobortis dapibus, non conubia nisi potenti torquent commodo. Sagittis in vivamus penatibus ac integer lorem, euismod hac … Read More